English Editing Researcher Services



On February 19, Trevor and Julian led a seminar at Utsunomiya University. The seminar was organized by the Gender Equality Office, which has shown interest in allocating some of their budget toward Edanz seminars during the next academic year.


On February 18, Trevor and Julian led a seminar at Chiba University’s Graduate School of Nursing. This seminar was held to assist the attendees in preparing for their upcoming presentations at EAFONS (East Asian Forum of Nursing Scholars) on March 14 & 15. Edanz is is a sponsor of this event and will be onsite with a marketing booth during the two days.



On January 28, Trevor and Julian led a seminar at Waseda University. The content focused on presentation technique and was very interactive, with attendees bringing their own slides to the seminar to practice presenting them.


2016년 1월 27일 연세대학교 학술정보원 에서 저자들의 영어논문작성을 돕기 위한 영어논문작성 워크샵이 진행되었습니다.

약 40명 이상의 참석자 대부분이 논문투고 경험이 있으시거나 현재 작성중에 계신 분들이었으며 이중  38% 가 매우만족, 나머지가 만족 을 표시해 주셨습니다. 





에단즈 한국 웹사이트에 새로 등록하시는 분들에게 에단즈에서 제작한 28 pages  버전의

"에단즈 에디터가 전하는 논문작성과 투고 가이드북" 을 이메일로 보내드립니다. 

아래  목차를 참고하시어 필요하신 분들의 많은 신청 바랍니다!



1. IMRaD 형식……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1

  1.1  IMRaD 형식 - Introduction

  1.2  IMRaD 형식 – Materials and Methods

  1.3  IMRaD 형식 – Results

  1.4  IMRaD 형식 – Discussion and Conclusions

2. Title의 중요성………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 8


On January 25 and 26 Trevor Lane and Julian Tang led two seminars at Gunma University. The seminars were hosted and attended by faculty and students of the Gender Equality Office, and focused on presentation and writing skills. The feedback for both days was fantastic.